Safeguarding Your Legacy: The Crucial Role of Estate Planning Attorneys in the Wake of Anne Heche’s Tragic Demise

Safeguarding Your Legacy: The Crucial Role of Estate Planning Attorneys in the Wake of Anne Heche’s Tragic Demise

  The Complications Unveiled The passing of renowned actress Anne Heche not only left a void in the entertainment world but also unveiled a complex aftermath of legal battles, highlighting the critical need for meticulous estate planning. In this article, we...
Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

It might seem a bit early to think about your 2023 taxes, but as the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to take a closer look at your financial situation and make some strategic moves that can help you minimize your tax liability come April. Year-end...
Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

The fall season is a beautiful time of year, but it also marks the beginning of flu season, which can pose a serious threat to your elderly loved ones. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure their well-being during the colder days ahead, including...
From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 2

From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 2

Getting married and starting a new chapter in your life is an exciting time. It’s also a time that requires a lot of housekeeping such as updating your address if your marriage includes a move, changing your tax filing status with your employer, and adding your new...
Selling Real Estate Or A Business? Avoid Capital Gains Tax With A Charitable Remainder Trust

Selling Real Estate Or A Business? Avoid Capital Gains Tax With A Charitable Remainder Trust

If you have a sale of real estate or assets coming up that will result in you owing capital gains tax, you may want to give us a call to discuss whether to set up a Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) first. Think of it this way: would you rather pay taxes and send your...