Safeguarding Your Legacy: The Crucial Role of Estate Planning Attorneys in the Wake of Anne Heche’s Tragic Demise

Safeguarding Your Legacy: The Crucial Role of Estate Planning Attorneys in the Wake of Anne Heche’s Tragic Demise

  The Complications Unveiled The passing of renowned actress Anne Heche not only left a void in the entertainment world but also unveiled a complex aftermath of legal battles, highlighting the critical need for meticulous estate planning. In this article, we...
Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

Year-End Tax Planning Starts Now: 8 Things To Do Now to Lower Your 2023 Taxes – Part 1

It might seem a bit early to think about your 2023 taxes, but as the year draws to a close, it’s the perfect time to take a closer look at your financial situation and make some strategic moves that can help you minimize your tax liability come April. Year-end...
Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

Flu Season Fundamentals: How to Keep Seniors Safe This Fall

The fall season is a beautiful time of year, but it also marks the beginning of flu season, which can pose a serious threat to your elderly loved ones. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to ensure their well-being during the colder days ahead, including...
Got Minor Kids? 3 Instances When Your Estate Plan Must Include A Kids Protection Plan®

Got Minor Kids? 3 Instances When Your Estate Plan Must Include A Kids Protection Plan®

As a parent, you have probably thought about the importance of naming permanent legal guardians for your child in case something happens to you, and maybe you have already done it. If you haven’t yet, take this as the sign that now’s the time to do it, in case the...
From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 2

From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 2

Getting married and starting a new chapter in your life is an exciting time. It’s also a time that requires a lot of housekeeping such as updating your address if your marriage includes a move, changing your tax filing status with your employer, and adding your new...
From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 1

From ‘I Do’ to ‘What If’: Estate Planning Must-Do’s for Newlyweds – Part 1

Wedding season is winding down, and if you are a newlywed or are planning to tie the knot soon, it’s time to make your first legal move as a married couple – creating an estate plan. With all the joy and happiness a new marriage brings, planning for your potential...