10 Steps to Take Now to Secure a Comfortable Retirement: Part 2

10 Steps to Take Now to Secure a Comfortable Retirement: Part 2

Welcome back to our discussion on securing a comfortable retirement! In the first part of this series, we explored essential steps including estate planning, preparing for long-term care, and passing on your legacy. As we continue with the second part of our series,...
Want to Show Your Partner How Much You Love Them? Put Them In Your Will

Want to Show Your Partner How Much You Love Them? Put Them In Your Will

Love is undoubtedly the most profound and cherished thread that weaves us all together, and there are many different ways to express our love to the people who mean the most to us. Often when we think of showing our love, we think of bouquets of flowers, surprise...
2 Conversations About Money and Death You Need to Have With Your Parents Right Now

2 Conversations About Money and Death You Need to Have With Your Parents Right Now

If you’ve given any thought about estate planning, you probably associate it with preparing for death. But did you know that there are critical reasons (and significant benefits) for planning while you’re still well and alive? That’s why I refer to my services as Life...
Protecting Your Family’s Safety Net: How to Set Up Your Life Insurance Policy The Right Way

Protecting Your Family’s Safety Net: How to Set Up Your Life Insurance Policy The Right Way

A comprehensive Life & Legacy Plan is about creating a strategy that lets you enjoy your life to the fullest while protecting your loved ones’ future when you can no longer be there. It might seem like life insurance is an easy way to help secure your loved...
This Change to The FAFSA Rules Could Help Your Grandkids Qualify for More Student Aid

This Change to The FAFSA Rules Could Help Your Grandkids Qualify for More Student Aid

Want to contribute to your grandchild’s future college education? The FAFSA Simplification Act, which went into effect last month, now makes it possible for grandparents to do even more to help finance their grandchild’s education. In the past, any contributions or...
Hiring a Lawyer: What Flat Fees, Hourly Fees and Retainer Billing Could Mean For Your Life and Family

Hiring a Lawyer: What Flat Fees, Hourly Fees and Retainer Billing Could Mean For Your Life and Family

Trying to find the right lawyer to help with legal matters, especially if you are under the gun in a crisis situation, but even if you aren’t, can often feel like navigating uncharted waters. You want to find an attorney you like who will understand your family’s...