Estate Planning Before You Travel: Why It’s Critically Important

Estate Planning Before You Travel: Why It’s Critically Important

Vacations can be the perfect opportunity to relax, disconnect from work and responsibilities, and enjoy your spouse, partner, kids’ or friend’s company. But before you head off on your next getaway, there’s something else you should consider doing that might not sound...
3 Critical Considerations For How To Save For Your Child’s (or Grandchild’s) College Education—Part 2

3 Critical Considerations For How To Save For Your Child’s (or Grandchild’s) College Education—Part 2

If you have started to save for your child or grandchild’s college education, it’s worth considering whether to use a 529 plan, an education savings account, or an irrevocable trust. Last week, in part one of this series, we discussed 529 plans and education savings...