by Leslie Marenco | Oct 10, 2014 | Articles, Celebrity Estates, Estate Tax
Legendary Hollywood actress Lauren Bacall died on August 12, 2014, leaving behind an estate estimated at $26.6 million and three children who face a couple of potentially serious problems that could have been avoided through effective estate planning. Bacall, who was...
by Leslie Marenco | Oct 7, 2014 | Articles, Celebrity Estates, Estate Planning, Estate Tax
A tax battle is brewing over author Tom Clancy’s $83 million estate, pitting Mr. Clancy’s wife against the adult children of his former marriage. The widow, Alexandra Clancy is taking legal steps aimed at shifting all state and federal estate taxes—estimated in...
by Leslie Marenco | Sep 2, 2014 | Articles, Asset Protection, Estate Tax, Income Tax
This is a Forbes article by William Baldwin which I found to be extremely helpful and easy to follow. I also agree with his advice…. Some assets are terrific holdings in estates. Go to your grave clutching them. Some are bad for heirs. Play hot potato with them...
by Leslie Marenco | Aug 22, 2014 | Articles, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, Gift Tax, Income Tax, Inheritance, IRAs / 401(k), IRS, Liens/Debt
Okay, clearly we are past midyear. But now that kids are back to school things can begin to normalize again. All too often, taxpayers wait until after the close of the tax year to worry about their taxes and miss opportunities that could reduce their tax liability or...
by Leslie Marenco | Aug 17, 2014 | Articles, Estate Planning, Estate Tax, High Net Worth, Non - US Citizen, Trusts
This is South Florida so I commonly encounter married couples with mixed nationalities. That is, one spouse is an American citizen and the other is not. The U.S. estate and gift tax rules are generally the same for U.S. citizens and resident aliens. However, the...
by Leslie Marenco | Aug 12, 2014 | Articles, Estate Tax, Gift Tax, High Net Worth
With tax rates somewhat higher than in prior years based on increases in income taxes, capital gains, and the new so-called Medicare tax, (which is basically an investment income tax for those who earned more than $200,000 if single and $250,000 if married) the net...