10 Estate Planning Questions to Ask Before Year-End

10 Estate Planning Questions to Ask Before Year-End

If you have not revisited your estate plan this year following the changes made to the estate and gift tax laws by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 passed by Congress on Jan. 1, 2013, ask yourself these 10 questions then schedule a meeting with your Estate Planning Lawyer®:


  1. Should your estate plan be changed to reflect any new laws? new assets? changes in your life?


  1. Are your assets being tracked so that if anything happens to you, your family knows exactly how to access everything you own right now?


  1. If you have a family LLC or limited partnership, has it been properly maintained to comply with tax laws?


  1. If you have made gifts to family or friends, have you exceeded your exemption limit for the year?


  1. Are you maximizing opportunities for income tax deductions in 2013?


  1. Are the people you have designated as executor, trustee or beneficiaries still the right ones?


  1. Are you employing the best strategies for year-end charitable gifting?


  1. If you donate cash to a charity from an IRA, are those being made properly?


  1. Is there an opportunity to use a trust to protect assets?


  1. What considerations should you be giving to managing capital gains and timing long-term losses?

About Trust Counsel

We are Trust Counsel – Our name says it all. We are specialists.  We practice only the areas of family wealth succession:  Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Business Succession, and Probate. We know what we are doing. We love what we are doing. We believe in what we are doing.

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About Trust Counsel

We are Trust Counsel – Our name says it all. We are specialists.  We practice only the areas of family wealth succession:  Estate Planning, Asset Protection, Business Succession, and Probate. We know what we are doing. We love what we are doing. We believe in what we are doing.

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