by Leslie Marenco | Nov 29, 2013 | Articles, Trusts
Do you consider trusts to be instruments of the wealthy? While it is true that many Americans of means have trusts to protect and pass their wealth, there are a number of reasons why trusts can also be useful for middle-class families. Here are 7 of them:...
by Leslie Marenco | Nov 22, 2013 | Articles, IRS
According to a recent Forbes article, Americans donated more than $316 billion to charity last year–and most of that came from individuals. Holidays are a traditional time of giving, and not just because we like to get in those year-end tax deductions! Forbes...
by Leslie Marenco | Nov 15, 2013 | Articles, Trusts, Wills
Most of us who have a pet consider them to be a part of the family; unfortunately, the plans we may have so carefully put together to protect our loved ones do not take our pets into consideration. According to the ASPCA, only about 17% of dog and cat owners have...
by Leslie Marenco | Nov 8, 2013 | Articles, Uncategorized
If you are helping an elderly parent or relative manage their finances or have been given a power of attorney, then you have both legal and ethical obligations in your role as a fiduciary. Basically, a fiduciary is legally bound to: Act in the person’s best interest. ...
by Leslie Marenco | Nov 1, 2013 | Articles, Trusts
Many of you who have been asked by a family member of close friend to serve as the trustee of a trust are honored that the trust owner feels confident in relying on their good judgment to undertake this important responsibility. And it’s very likely you have no idea...